所有课程都将获得初始教学认证, 包括初等教育, 特殊教育, 中等教育和全年级教育, 被认为是职业预科课程吗. 学生可能已经选择了教育专业, but must meet established program entrance and exit requirements to be considered a teacher candidate. 一旦被录取,教师候选人必须保持其身份.
转学生应与入学办公室会面, arrange for official transcripts to be sent to the institution and meet with the Augustana 教师教育计划's 认证 officer. Transfer students must complete at least 50% of the major and the last 30 credit hours at Augustana.
The application to the Augustana 教师教育计划 is completed during enrollment in EDUC 275. 录取程序发生在确认以下:
- Completion of at least 45 semester credit hours including EDUC 110 and EDUC 275 with grades of at least C- or above
- GPA 2.学科专业、教育专业和综合累计成绩70分
- 所有的学生, 包括转学生, must complete at least two semesters of coursework at Augustana inclusive of at least one field experience to demonstrate acceptable academic performance and satisfactory professionalism ratings
- Approval from the academic advisor, the 教师教育计划 and the department of major
- 不受纪律处分
- Satisfactory Ratings on Professionalism and no significant concerns about professionalism have been expressed, 包括但不限于招聘流程, 内部和外部对专业水平的评价, 违反学术荣誉准则, 等.
The Augustana 教师教育计划 considers applications to the program once each semester, 在他们的认可下, 教师候选人被授予该计划的全部入学资格. 该计划没有临时录取. Teacher candidates will be notified of their admission status by the field placement coordinator.
Teacher candidates are responsible for a variety of external fees associated with the Augustana 教师教育计划, 包括但不限于以下内容:
- 背景调查
- 指纹识别
- 实践 考试费用
- 认证机构要求的其他费用, the South Dakota Department of Education and/or cooperating schools and 年龄ncies.